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Spammail Achtmonatige Haftstrafe ohne Bewährung für Klimaaktivistin
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 21-09-2023, 04:18 - Forum: Schlagzeilen und Kommentar - Keine Antworten

Nur 8 (in Worten: Acht) Monate Haft, allerdings ohne Bewährung, für eine sogenannte Klimaaktivistin, die an einer Sitzblockade teilgenommen hatte.

Klimaaktivisten sind m.E. die Terroristen und RAF-Nachfolger der neuen Zeit, die mit Gewalt ihre für die Siuation überzogenen Ziele umsetzen wollen.

Hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette: Aber hätte ich ein Urteil zu sprechen, so wären es 8 (in worten: Acht) Jahre ohne Bewährung geworden.


Der Kampf den Klimawandel darf nicht mit Gewalt und Zerstörung durchgesetzt werden. Das entzweit die Gesellschaft noch mehr und lässt das eigentliche Ziel aus den Augen verlieren.

Klimakleber sind Arschlöcher ersten Ranges.

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Spammail DirectoryBump.com <lisa@paydaysearcher.com>
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 20-09-2023, 10:53 - Forum: Sonstiger Unfug und Spam - Keine Antworten

Von:    Lisa Viviers <lisa@paydaysearcher.com>
Antwort an:    DirectoryBump.com <lisa@paydaysearcher.com>
Betreff:    xxx.com listed in 8/2500+ directories
Datum:    Wed, 20 Sep 2023 01:17:40 +0200


We noticed your website xxx.com is only listed in 8 out of a possible 2500+ directories.

We think servicedh.com you can really benefit from this service.

Get more traffic, leads and sales by submitting your website to approximately 2500 directories! For only $99 once off! Never has it been easier to promote your website. Just a few inputs and our software will do the rest. No more worries about CAPTCHAs, email verification or manual link building. We ve automated everything that we possibly could to make submitting your website a breeze.

Visit us on DirectoryBump.com

Email ID: 3cd6c4

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Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 01:17:40 +0200
To: xxx@yyy.zzz
From: Lisa Viviers <lisa@paydaysearcher.com>
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Subject: xxx.com listed in 8/2500+ directories
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Spammail DataList2023.com <lisa@addme6.business>
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 18-09-2023, 08:42 - Forum: Sonstiger Unfug und Spam - Keine Antworten

Von:    Lisa Viviers <lisa@addme6.business>
Antwort an:    DataList2023.com <lisa@addme6.business>
An:    info@servicedh.com
Betreff:    Partnervermittlung weltweit leads
Datum:    Sun, 17 Sep 2023 23:26:35 +0000 (18.09.2023 01:26:35)


It is with sad regret to inform you that DataList2023.com (Pty Ltd.) is shutting down today.

We think Partnervermittlung weltweit can really benefit from our leads.

We have made all the databases available for Sint Eustatius at a one time-fee.

Visit DataList2023.com for samples and instant delivery of our databases.

Email ID: c7ff77

Code: - Geo Information
IP Address
Host    addme6.business
Location    RU RU, Russian Federation
City    Bogorodsk, 51 607600
Organization    Information & Computing Center, Ltd.
ISP    Information & Computing Center, Ltd.
AS Number    AS24658 Information & Computing Center, Ltd.
Latitude    56°10'33" North
Longitude    43°51'58" East

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Spammail Chinamann sorgt sich um die Steuererklärung
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 16-09-2023, 09:29 - Forum: Sonstiger Unfug und Spam - Antworten (1)

Von:    内部通知 <caiwu@imwfi.fun>
Betreff:    我公司关于去年个人综合所得税汇算清缴通知!
Datum:    Sun, 17 Sep 2023 02:08:10 +0800 (16.09.2023 20:08:10)



一、申报汇缴对象: 全体员工。




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Spammail Dennis Nadwornik <michaelbricks.firms@gmail.com>
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 16-09-2023, 06:11 - Forum: Sonstiger Unfug und Spam - Keine Antworten

Subject: Attn:xxx
From: "Dennis Nadwornik" <enlacelima@regionpuno.gob.pe>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 16:53:25 +0300
Reply-To: michaelbricks.firms@gmail.com

Lieber Herr xxx-xxx xxx ,

Hiermit möchte ich Ihnen eine Gelegenhei unterbreiten, die für Sie von Interesse sein könnte. Mein Mandant vergibt derzeit Finanzkredite an Unternehmen und Projekteigentümer zu einem wettbewerbsfähigen Zinssatz von 3% pro Jahr für Projekte mit einer Laufzeit von 5 bis 35 Jahren.

Wenn Sie Projekte haben, die eine Finanzierung erfordern, teilen Sie uns bitte Ihre E-Mail-Adresse für weitere Erörterungen und Anliegen mit. Wir zahlen 1% Provision an Makler, die Projektinhaber für Finanzierungen oder andere Möglichkeiten vermitteln.

Ich bedanke mich im Voraus und hoffe bald von Ihnen zu hören.

Mit vielen Grüßen
Dennis Nadwornik


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Was für ein Idiot!

[Bild: dennis-nadwornik-20230916.jpg]

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Spammail Icloud® <noreply@mondialrelay.fr>
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 14-09-2023, 05:40 - Forum: Sonstiger Unfug und Spam - Keine Antworten


[Bild: image.png]

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Spammail <richardmuenzberg@t-online.de>
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 14-09-2023, 10:06 - Forum: Sonstiger Unfug und Spam - Keine Antworten

Von:    richardmuenzberg@t-online.de
Antwort an:    richardmuenzberg@t-online.de
Betreff:    Hello
Datum:    Thu, 14 Sep 2023 02:57:59 +0300 (14.09.2023 01:57:59)

Hello. On your profile waiting for withdrawal. Finish transfer you can see on our site: https:/telegra.ph/Checking-09-13-978

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Spammail <sandeep.cherukuri@rediffmail.com>
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 14-09-2023, 10:05 - Forum: Sonstiger Unfug und Spam - Keine Antworten

Von:    sandeep.cherukuri@rediffmail.com
Antwort an:    sandeep.cherukuri@rediffmail.com
Betreff:    Hello
Datum:    Thu, 14 Sep 2023 01:57:06 +0300 (14.09.2023 00:57:06)

Hello. On your account waiting for transfer. Finish transfer you can see on our site: https:/graph.org/Checking-09-13-1141

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Spammail <ajju4u001@rediffmail.com>
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 14-09-2023, 10:04 - Forum: Sonstiger Unfug und Spam - Keine Antworten

Von:    ajju4u001@rediffmail.com
Antwort an:    ajju4u001@rediffmail.com
Betreff:    Hello
Datum:    Thu, 14 Sep 2023 02:22:14 +0300 (14.09.2023 01:22:14)

Hi. On your ID waiting for withdrawal. Find out the amount you can see on our site: https:/telegra.ph/Checking-09-13-1121

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Spammail 18z7GJZjP2eAK4M2DvmzsEAYFFndnBEi7o
Geschrieben von: Hurtiger - 12-09-2023, 05:56 - Forum: BitcoinScam - Keine Antworten

Hi there!

Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours,
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (xxx@yyy.zzz).

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use,
and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. (=

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter...
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos,
which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don't believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends,
colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $1450 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word,
that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost,
mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins -
don't hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 18z7GJZjP2eAK4M2DvmzsEAYFFndnBEi7o

An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with spaces,
hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without spaces to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don't even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don't even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) -
kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don't even think of attempting to find me – that is completely useless. Don't forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don't attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won't lead you to success either,
because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won't reach my wallet.
- Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
- My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly... make sure you don't get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice - ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.

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