35sZwfqbp5u7fkq1JiTATZLMQtnSKeNRhj - Druckversion

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35sZwfqbp5u7fkq1JiTATZLMQtnSKeNRhj - Hurtiger - 22-11-2022

Hey  There,

Your data  out of  your  devices  was copied  to my  very own  storage  with a  assistance from  my unique  computer virus  via the wireless network,  I managed to access  your computer  system via  the wi-fi  gadget you  were connected  to,  2-3  weeks  ago and  I also  currently have all  the security passwords  & permission  to access your  social  media marketing email,  contact information,  and so  forth.

The  authorised driver  type  along with  its additional  fingertips constantly  changes &  isn't  trackable nor  it's noticeable  by other  antivirus apps. But that's  not all,  i  additionally have  an access  to your  web cam  in addition  to your  internet  browser history  & what's happening  on your computer screen. So I  noticed that  you like to see  some adult  web-sites and you  do that  frequently  & it  is likely  you  currently  realize the  reason why I  hung around  this  long to  message you.  So anyway  I glued  several of  your wanking  videos  together  with the screen video  & now I  demand an  academy award.  Now it's  up  to you  to be  able to  decide  if this video together  with  a  lot of  your  sensitive info  will be  shared with all  your contact  information social  networking friends  or  perhaps not.  I am  thinking this really  can ruin  your status. 

However, there  is definitely  a  way to  fix this: You'll need  to  drop me  1400 $  (USD) through  BTC (equivalent  at the  date of  the exchange  it self). 

Once  this  will happen  I promise  to get  rid of  all of  your  info from  my hosting  storing areas  and i'll  ignore you.

My  personal  BTC payment  address: 35sZwfqbp5u7fkq1JiTATZLMQtnSKeNRhj

Just search  on line  how to get  or forward  bitcoin if  you do  not know  how.

It is  a trackable  message and  i'll  find out  when it's  open. The  email is also  not tracked  and there  is no  reason for responding  to  me. There  are  now 2 days  from the  moment you  read  it to send  me the  funds. The  data  will be  released to  people  if you  try to  contact the  authorities  or seek  other 3rd party  solutions, &  there is also  no reason for  altering passwords to  your social  networks,  devices, or  whichever, since  I've  already downloaded  every little  thing to the  host.

Now it is  your  call to  perhaps behave  foolish or  consider your  potential prospect  & play wise.