Die nachfolgende Mail hat es in sich. Wer sich verleiten lässt, das vermeintliche Video anschauen zu wollen, wird eine böse Überraschung erleben.
Zitat:This is Barbara
Did you forget about me?
We met on dating website. I promised to send you a hot video.
You can download and watch it from the link below.
Kiss you =*
Zitat:This is Susan
Are you remember me?
We met on dating website. I promised to send you a hot video.
You can download and watch it from the link below.
Code:https://bitbucket.org/emmon11/2/ downloads/MyVideo_004.apk
Kiss you =*
Zitat:This is Jeny
Did you forget about me?
We met on dating website. I promised to send you a hot video.
You can download and watch it from the link below.
Kiss you =*