22-02-2023, 08:46
Zitat:Betreff: ?+ 29,204.81$ on your account @433
Datum: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 18:03:00 +0200 (21.02.2023 17:03:00)
Hello!I am your personal manager Robert Phillips! You are concerned about the Mining company - BITCOIN BONUS!You visited our site 377 days ago! All this time your IP address was in the work of the miner! We are pleased to inform you that your balance is 28,700.21$! To withdraw funds, you need to confirm the transfer on our websit. If you ignore our message And do not make a transfer within 27 hours Then your account will be blocked and the funds will be reset to zero. Sincerely, BITCOIN BONUS?
Ihr musst es hier sehen. Seht hier See attachment ⚡️ ?
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX -1vQZljHfE6i0Y_igcqNbS8WeX3Wak1c2VvNPqe5IzAvTmILD2FuA1opAZCGXNos5IN7hHTPkUz_DP32p/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000#Ua4zXzt6EF