Der Vorgang 21180

Der erste Kontakt 21180

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hi, I ask u to read my e-mail up to the finish as I couldn t make up my mind for a long time to write a mail to you. It isn t my style to send emails to the menfolks 1st. I am Nata. Currently I am thirty-six years.I am from UKRAINE. I m a believable and plain-spoken lady. I m searching for confidential relationships only, based on love and complete faith in the reliability. Difference in age does not make sense to me. Iam a graduate of two universaties and I m a doctor of Highest Category. Also, I worked abroad for several times and I have visited some foreign countries too. I spend too much time working and it is time to find a sweetheart with whom I could be able to form a committed romantic bond. If u are looking for a truthful and plain-spoken lady, may be we will be able to form romantic bond. In the email I send to u a photographof me. Hopefully you will find enjoyable my photograph and u ll answer me back. In your mail I ll be really pleased to glance at your return photographs and to hear some info about you. I will answer you back immediately after I get your response. It s necessary: I won t play games and I m not gonna show any pictures of bare me. If u want to get photographs of bare me or to get my money, I am asking you not to answer this mail. Yet if you re a free fellow who s ready 4 the trust-based relationships, I will be happy to obtain your email. Write to me please about yourself and your birthplace. It would be too captivating to know about that.

Interested? Please answer ONLY to my private mailbox:

I am making a request u to write a response promptly, Natchik
Good morning dear friend! I request u to read the message up to the end cause I could not make up my mind 4 a long period of time to write a message to you. It isn t my style to send letters to the men first. My name is Natasha. Currently I am thirtysix years of age.I am from UKRAINE. I am atruthful and plain-spoken lady. I am searching for trust-based relations only, based on emotional attachment and complete faith in the reliability. The age difference doesn t make sense for me. I m a graduate of two universaties and I m a doc of Highest Category. Also, I have worked abroad 4 some times and I have visited different countries too. I work too much and it is right time to find a better half with whom I could be able to form a committed romantic relationship. If u re looking 4 a truthful and open woman, may be we ll manage to make relationship. In the email I send to you an imageof me. Hope u ll enjoy greatly my image and u will write me back ASAP. In your response I ll be thrilled to see your return images and to listen to some pieces of information of u. I will answer you back as soom as I receive your e-mail. It is necessary: I m not going to play any games at all and I don t send any pics of nude me. If you want to have photographs of naked me or to get my money, I beg u not to answer my mail. And if you re an unmarried gentleman guy who s ready 4 the confidential relationships, I ll be merry to have your e-mail. Write to me me please regarding yourself and your country. It ll be be very interesting to get some information about it.

If you are interested in me Please reply ONLY to my private mail box:

I am making a request u to write an e-mail as soon as possible, Natasha
Hello my awesome friend, I beg u to read my message up to the finish cause I could not make up my mind 4 a long time to send a letter to u. It isn t in my nature to send letters to the men 1st. I m Natasha. I am actually thirty six years.My native place is UKRAINE. I m a true and plain-speaking woman. I am interested in confidential relationship only, based on affection and ability or truth. The age gap is not the real problem to me. I have 2 universaty degrees and I am working as a doc of Highest Category. Also, I ve worked abroad 4 some times and I ve visited some foreign countries too. I spend too much time working and now it is time to hunt for a partner with whom I would be able to build a long-term connection. If you re looking for a believable and plain-speaking lady, may be we will be able to form relationship. In my mail I send to u a photoof me. I really hope that u ll enjoy greatly my pic and you will answer me back. In your mail I will be happy to look at your return pics and to get some details of u. I will answer u back directly after I receive your e-mail. It s very important: I do not play any games at all and I will not show any pictures of naked me. If u have a wish to get photos of nude me or to get my money, I beg u not to answer my message. And if you re a free male who is ready for the trustful relations, I will be just happy to obtain your e-mail. Write to me please of yourself and your motherland. It ll be be too interesting to get some information about it.

Interested? Please write ONLY to my personal email:

I am begging you to write an answer as fast as you can, Natok!