Der Vorgang 21181

Der erste Kontakt 21181

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
hello. how are you? we don t know each other, but I would really like to get acquainted, and do a long communication. I hope for a pleasant conversation, if you are ready to answer me, I hope that you liked me. I will be glad to meet you! my name is Lesia, and I live in the beautiful country of Ukraine, in the city of Kharkiv. I hope that you will support me and will communicate with me, I hope you will answer soon.
Hello! It s me, Lesia. I am so very pleased, that you replied to
my quick message! I was waited for your answer with a big impatience!
I hope you will be attentive to words that i am going to write, then i
can assure you i will be patient and attentive reader also ;) Cause
from what you ll write to me i ll consider, is there any point in our
further dialogue. The thing is, and i think you ll agree with ME -
it s so hurts to be ignored, yes? I want to be straight with you in
our correspondence, i want to have a chance to talk free about what s
on my mind. And it s so sad when you get ignore at the end, or rude
words or more of it, when you ve been named by a different name. It s
so unpleasant this happened with me a couple of times and less of
everything i want it happen again. Ah, i am sorry if it sounds too
pretentious, i do not want you to be frighten, i am a kind person
after all. Please, read my letter to the end and only then make your
conclusions. The point is, i am a gentle and loving girl but life
gives lessons that needs to be learnt, so i try to be more cautious
now. There is so much people that carries cruelty and evil with them.
I am interested in you and the fact that you wrote to me tells that
you like me too. None of us could tell right now, where will our
communication lead us to, i hope, no matter what we could be friends
at least. With regard to age. I think the age is not important in the
relationship between human beings. The most important thing is the
ability to love and respect! It s just love real man really knows! The
soul of a pure heart and the most important components of the person.
The age does not matter. As the saying goes, love knows no age. You
with me agree? Well, to the POINT - something about me: i am a
student-bachelor, my main subject is sociology. To me 27 years and my
birthday On March, 29th. I was born in Russia, but for a long time I
live in Ukraine, the city Kharkov. In my future letters i ll give you
more detailed story. Unfortunately it is difficult to find work on my
speciality and now I work as the seller in small shop. I do not lose
hope and in the future I hope to work on my speciality. I like man s
who try to be honest with themselves, who does not judge just because
most of the peoples do, brave and passionate persons. Please forgive
my English, i am still learning and sometimes it s hard for me to
translate, for example something from urban language or national
specific. Anyway, forgive me if i ll miss something you ll write. I
like having fun, laughing and i think i am easy person in
communication, like jokes, and the people who like to smile. SMILE -
is something you like to have when you live in a Ukraine, it helps))
Anyway, you ll not be bored next to me! Despite of that, i have not to
much friends, but i try to be a best for this little company i have,
true friendships is something really valuable! Hope we could be that
kind of people to each other and will be careful and respectful to
each other. I ll do my best from my side! It s not with any person i
want to be engaged in such relationships, but, in some way, i want to
try it with you. I do not want you to think like i am irrational in
some way, but we must confess to each others that attraction between
man and woman is irrational by it s nature, do not it? I think i have
my own head, i know something about peoples and society, well thanks
to my education. Sometimes i think it s too much for a young woman
like me, sometimes i want to feel myself silly little girl, who had
someone who cares about her. But life had it s RULES - either you grow
quick either you lose. So, i became an independent instead of waiting
for someone. Now i think, no matter what was in your life before you
should not complain, look at everything around YOU - life isn t simple
but it also had it s beauty! We are the creators of our world and we
must chose the people that surrounds us wisely. That s my philosophy,
what s you thinking about it? There is something that s on my mind
also, as i told you, i had an experience in talking with some peoples
from Internet, and some of this experience isn t pleasant, as i told
you before, i want to be heard but some peoples talks like robots and
avoid personal communications, so will it be possible if i ll call you
some day? When you ll be ready just write me your phone number and
i ll call you. I want to hear your voice. I ll love to do that right
when i repair my cell phone, i accidently crashed it at my work cause
of some drunk girl. Oh, one more thing, I hope you do not ask my naked
photos, i want to be sure that it s not the only thing why you wrote
me. I want to be sure you interested in me as a person also! Don t
forget, i am waiting for your photos also and with a big impatience!
xxx resize them first, internet speed is really low here and
sometimes it takes ages to download a large photo. I am here and
waiting for your answer with a big interest and huge impatience! I
want to hear about the place you live in, your country, city, peoples
around. I am so curious! This was a long letter, but there is so much
i need to tell you. I want to hear your opinion about main thoughts in
this letter, do not make me waiting for too long! With my best wishes,
hello again. you don t write to me. what happened? I hope for our friendship, maybe you wanted a relationship. who knows what will happen next...........