Der Vorgang 23715

Der erste Kontakt 23715

Anzahl der Mails: 21

Es wurden insgesamt -- 21 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good morning!
Lovely the stranger, I wish to look, how much you wish to find and to begin acquaintance with new and lovely the girl?
What country are you from?
My name Alina. I think, that to you my photo. I search the person with whom my life will be balanced and fascinating.
I very much cheerful, kind and optimistical the girl. But I still one and I very much have got tired from this vital situation. So I have addressed in marriage agency and have sent to you the letter.
Actually, I wish to meet adequate the man for stable relations and marriage further. My purpose - to find love. I very much hope, that you are this man.
I will be glad if we find common language, and our acquaintance - the most significant moment in beginning of our relationship.
Now I do not know, how much you you are interested in continuation our correspondence, for this reason I am more than information on I will write about myself in the following letter.
I m waiting your letter on my e-mail:
With impatience I wait your answer with big impatience.
All the best, Alina
Hi xxx! This is the third letter I am sending you! My last 2 letters, you obviously have not received. I wrote you a long letter, so please check your spam box again ... Probably now all my letters are there ...

Hi my joy xxx..

I haven t received messages from you for a long time, tell me, did you get my message or you just don t want to answer me? Maybe I wrote you something offensive, why did you stop writing me, if you re not happy with something, you d better tell me directly and maybe we can solve it together, or maybe your letter just didn t get sent? I think about it all the time. Answer me please.

Hello xxx!

How was your day? Is everything okay with you? I haven t heard from you today. I checked the mail this morning. But your letter wasn t there. It made me sad. I thought you would write to me during the day. But your letter wasn t there again( I still hope you ll write to me...

I hope to get your reply..

Hi my dear xxx))

I really would love to hear from you! I m still wondering why you stopped writing to me? I am very worried! If I said anything to hurt you, please forgive me!

I will be waiting for your reply

Hi dear xxx!

This morning when I checked my email, I found that your letter was not there. I felt sad. But I didn t get upset and decided that when I got home in the evening I would get your letter and write you back as usual. But it didn t happen again... I hope there is a reason for that and that you are all right? I hope that tomorrow morning when I wake up you will please me with your letter and we will continue our communication...

Hi xxx!

How do you? How was your day? You are working? For example, I have a lunch break and I decided to write to you. I hope your day will be better after my letter .... Tonight I slept badly. Outside the window, cars were constantly rustling. I want to return home and relax as soon as possible ... I finish my day at 6 pm. And you? I hope your day is better than mine ..? Haha .. I hope you write to me today.

I ll be waiting for your letter..

Hi my darling xxx!

I hope you re all right? I think that you are very busy and you don t have time to write to me. But I think about you all the time, and that s why I write to you. I miss you so much. My day is meaningless if you don t write to me. Every night before I go to bed, I imagine that you will write to me in response to my letter. I think about you very often and I like talking to you. I hope you will not leave me alone and soon we can continue our communication...
I ll be waiting for your letter..

Hello xxx. I found out that Christmas is celebrated in your country today, and therefore I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! Let this magical holiday fill your life with light, warmth, joy and well-being. I wish you peace, kindness, love, and family comfort. May the guardian angel protect you from all troubles and adversities! In our country, Christmas is celebrated on January 7, but this night I will still make a wish. I will be looking forward to your letter very much.

Hello my new friend xxx!

I m sorry you never sent me your photo. I thought that our communication would be much more interesting if we could share our photos. Do you disagree? I hope you understand my thoughts and send me your photo in the next letter. Now I would like to tell you a little more about myself... I am a simple girl. I am divorced and have no children. I work as an insurance agent. I can’t say that I love my job, but at this stage of my life it suits me. I help clients with life, property and auto insurance. I spend most of my time in the office sitting at the computer. I was educated at the International Academy of Management, Law, Finance and Business. I speak English and German. I live alone. I have a home, a job, friends, but I can t say I m happy. I have not yet met a worthy man on my life path with whom I would like to start a family. I wrote about the purpose of my search in the first letter. I hope that we will continue our acquaintance and see what it leads to... xxx, tell us what prompted you to meet online? I would be interested if you could tell me about it! I hope we write each other many letters.
Sending you some more of my photos... Do you like them? I will be glad to see your photos in my next letter. I hope your desire to communicate with me has not disappeared after this letter? I will be waiting for your answer.

Sincerely, Alina
Hi my joy xxx!

How are you doing today? What s new? I am doing well here and I would be very happy to hear from you because I miss you so much !!! I think about you all the time, you are very dear to me. You know that your letters always bring me joy. I am used to your letters, and I miss you if I do not hear from you ... Do you understand?

Yours Alina
Hi my joy xxx!

How are you? What are you up to today? Did you get my last letter? Did you read it? I m really waiting for your reply. I m working now and thinking of you... What are your plans for tonight? I don t have much work today, I got a little sad, so I decided to write to you in the hope that you ll be glad to hear from me.

I hope you ll write me back tonight..

Yours Alina
Hi xxx, how are you? What are your plans for the New Year? I am writing you this letter to wish you a Happy New Year in advance. I want to say that I will go to my grandmother s village with my mother to celebrate the new year, but there is no Internet there. So don t lose me, I ll text you as soon as I get home. Dear xxx now, despite the fact that you need to prepare a New Year s table and buy food for the New Year, I think only about you. It s a pity that I didn t receive your letter today and I hope to see it next year. Alina
Hi my joy xxx!

How are you? Today I have a great desire to write to you. I hope you don t mind? Today is a wonderful day and I m in high spirits, how are you? I hope all is well. I m so sad when I don t get any news from you .. I m worried ........ I hope you re okay and I ll get your answer soon...

Your Alina
Hello xxx!

How is the weather? What is your mood? For example, I m in a great mood today, and I decided to write to you. Today I had a very busy day! During the day I had a lot of time for various things. I went to the store this morning... I bought groceries... I cooked a very delicious breakfast. I cleaned the house. There was a lot of work... I wonder what you were doing? Rested? Have you worked? I won t write much today... I have a lot to do...

Have a nice weekend!

Hi my lovely xxx!

I didn’t hear from you today, so I decided to write to you myself. How do you? What are you doing today? Did you receive my last letter? Have you read it? I really look forward to your answer. It is very important for me to know what you think of my last letter.

I hope you will write me your answer soon ..

My lovely xxx, how are you? I wrote you a long letter that was very important to me. I want you to read it and write me your answer. I have not received an answer from you and I am wondering why? I just don’t understand honey .... So I want to get an answer from you as soon as possible please, your Alina...
Hi my lovely xxx!

How s your day? Are you okay? I didn t hear from you today. I checked my mail this morning. But your letter was not there. It made me sad. I thought that you would write to me during the day. But your letter was not there again .. Now I m finishing my work and going home. I hope when I am at home I will receive your answer to my letter?

Hello xxx!

How is the weather? What is your mood? For example, I m in a great mood today, and I decided to write to you. Today I had a very busy day! During the day I had a lot of time for various things. I went to the store this morning... I bought groceries... I cooked a very delicious breakfast. I cleaned the house. There was a lot of work... I wonder what you were doing? Rested? Have you worked? I won t write much today... I have a lot to do...

Have a nice weekend!

Hello xxx!
New day and no letter from you. It makes me sad. I think you re busy. Find a few minutes to say you re doing well, then I won t bother. It is a pleasure to receive your letters. Your letter can brighten my day. You already have power over me) I love the days when I get letters from you more than the days without your letters. I wrote you a long letter that was very important to me. I want you to read it and write me your answer.
With respect
Hi xxx!
How was your day? Today I was so lonely and bored at home that I decided not to wait for your answer and write to you again. Do not you mind? When I don t get messages from you, I feel sad. How can you let this happen? Can you accept that you have a girl sad somewhere right now because of you? If you were sad, I would love to text you, and the sadness would go away right away. I am waiting for your answer. Please don t make me sad... I know you are just very busy, but make time for me, if possible... I hope that tomorrow morning, when I wake up, you will please me with your letter and we will continue our communication.
I hope I was able to interest you?