Der Vorgang 23716

Der erste Kontakt 23716

Anzahl der Mails: 8

Es wurden insgesamt -- 8 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Dear the stranger, I wish to be assured, as it is strong you wish to find and to meet with new and good the woman?
What is your country?
My name Alina. I think, that I to you like on a photo. I search someone with whom my life to change to the best.
I very much cheerful, kind and optimistical the girl. But to me am lonely at present and I very much have got tired from such life. So I have addressed in marriage agency and have written to you the letter.
Actually, I wish to meet present the man for serious relations and a combination marriage in the future. Dream of all my life - to find love. I very much hope, that you are this man.
I will be happy if we find one goal in life, and our meeting - the most important moment in our future life.
Now I do not know, as is strong you you are interested in continuation our conversation, for this reason in more details I will let know about myself in the following letter.
Send your answer to my address:
With impatience I wait your answer with big impatience.
All kind, Alina
Dear the stranger, I wish the nobility, how much you wish to find and to begin acquaintance with new and good the girl?
What country do you live in?
My name is Alina. I wish to believe, that to you my photo. I in searches someone with whom my life to change to the best.
I very much cheerful, opened and optimistical the girl. But to me am lonely at present and I very much have got tired from such life. So I have addressed in agency of acquaintances and have sent to you the letter.
Actually, I in searches adequate the man for serious relations and a combination marriage in the future. My main objective - to meet the beloved of all my life. I wish to believe, that you this man.
I will be happy if we find common language, and our meeting - the most important moment in our future life.
Now I do not know, how much have interest in continuation our correspondence, therefore I am more than information on I will tell about myself later.
Send your answer to my address:
With impatience I wait your letter with huge impatience.
Bye, Alina
Hello xxx..

I already sent you a letter. But you still have not answered me. Why? Do you not want to talk to me? You didn’t like my photo? Did you have time to answer? I don’t know ... I’m not sure that you got my previous one, so I decided to write to you again in the hope of receiving your answer ...

Please tell me if you are not interested in talking to me? You seemed to me a very interesting person. I apologize for the perseverance, but your silence leaves many questions .... ??? I will wait to hear from you...

Hi xxx! This is the third letter I am sending you! My last 2 letters, you obviously have not received. I wrote you a long letter, so please check your spam box again ... Probably now all my letters are there ...

I wonder if you get my letters? You check the spam folder??? My letters are probably there now? I ask you to check this folder and reply to my last letter. I look forward to hearing from you ..

I writing you a test email and sending you my picture so you saw who is writing to you. I hope that we can proceed our communicate, because when I sent you the previous email, you still didn t respond to me. I will be satisfied if we find common views and our communication will proceed...
I m still curious as to how interested you are in with a fun woman? I write to you in last time but you never answered.. That s why I decided to wrote to you again, hoping this time to get your writing me. I hope that you are interested in getting to know me better and we can continue our conversation...