Der Vorgang 23753

Der erste Kontakt 23753

Anzahl der Mails: 19

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 19 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Howdy. I appreciate your quick reply, I want to ask you be respectable along with me.
The Online world is a fully new kind of date matching for me personally,
although connection on the Net is well-known around the world nowadays.
It is not important if mileage divides us we still will be able to converse & get to know each other.
Don t you agree? Please remember to show me your photos. I m sure you have a gorgeous laugh.
looking at your photos may help me get acquainted with you as well as your life significantly better.
This is really my very first time I m composing a letter directly to towards,
thus do not laugh at myself. I m really a sociable lady although I am used to communicating in life.
I like to observe a individual s expressions when speaking and also see real feelings.
I I am hoping I you have a smile on the face right now and also you re in a great mood.
I m 36 yoa. I was given birth on January 01st, 1986.
My own horoscope is Capricorn. When s your birthday? The significant difference in years can not become a problem
a dilemma in our connection, relationship can easily join forces at any age group.
Friend, I have a university degree. I am working and also At this time i m lonely.
I m definitely not committed and do not have kids. I really hope you go through this mail.
I don t desire to appear dull. Are you interested in browsing my email?
I know already the fact that you re a good guy. I am going to look ahead to your reply the next day.
Ask me the thoughts you are keen on, and then I ll try and answer you.
All right? Together with the email I m actually forwarding you my photo. Ok bye.
I ll look forward to your response. Angela
Best regards, Angela
Hey!Today I do not have a letter from you. You are not interested in our acquaintance? I hope that I am mistaken and you will write to me. Angela :)
Good day xxx, It s me again Angela! Are you in a good mood?
I ve been waiting for today to see your new message. I was sure that you would write me a letter.
Last night, I wanted to see a letter from you, but I didn t have access to the Internet.
Now I m at work and I have access to the Internet. It is convenient for me to write letters from work...
Thanks for your beautiful photo! You are very beautiful! I am madly glad to recognize you more and develop our relationship.
xxx, I think I should keep telling you about my life. At the age of 36, I have never been married.
I don t have children, but I love children and children love me! I don t smoke. I only drink wine during the celebration.
Bad habits reduce our life. I am not against smoking, everyone makes their own choice.
I don t have a lot of free time, because I work a lot. When I have free time, I spend it in a variety of ways.
There is not much entertainment in my small town of Tiraspol. Have you already seen the city of Tiraspol Moldova on the Internet?
Have you ever been to my country in Moldova? Moldova is a little country. Moldova has a very rich history.
I m not going to tell you about it now. I work as an accountant in a construction company.
My work requires me to be serious, attentive, and diligent. These qualities are present in me. I like working with documents.
Every day I start working from 09:00 in the morning. I finish working at 17:00 in the evening. I m resting on Sunday.
I have a higher education. xxx, what kind of education do you have? My work brings me a stable good income.
This money is enough for living in Moldova. I get moral satisfaction from my work. I don t live to work.
As for the English language... I have been studying English for 3 years now. I am learning English on my own.
I try to write a letter to you on my own, but sometimes I use an online translator.
I m sorry for any possible errors in my emails. I hope that our communication will allow me to improve my knowledge of English.
Now I am very pleased that we are getting to know each other. xxx, please tell me about yourself and your country.
I m interested in learning about your life... How do you spend every day? have you met people from Moldova in your country? Do you have a hobby?
I am sending you my photos, I hope that you like them. I will also be happy to receive your photos.
Now I have to keep working. Thank you for your attention. I hope that my letter was not boring for you.
I ll be waiting for an answer from you. Angela
Best regards, Angela
Hello there. Today I found your letter in mine spams folder.
And this letter is already a few days in the spam folder.
I rarely watch the spams folder. But today decided to check out,
as I have not received your message. And thought is your message in spam folder.
I do not know how it got there. You get my message?
Check your spam folder. Perhaps mine letters just do not come you.
I will look forward to your response. Angela
Best regards, Angela
Hello. I want to wish you a good mood and fun today. I miss your news. Write as soon as possible. Angela

Best regards, Angela
Good afternoon. How are you? What news? I have not received a letter from you today. Are you okay? Write as soon as possible. Your Angela

Best regards, Angela
Have a nice sunny day. Let today s day bring good luck, Fill your life with positive! Miss you and think about you. Your Angela :)
Best regards, Angela
Hello xxx, I like our daily communication with you. I am waiting for your letters every day!
Thank you for giving me your time. I feel your attention, and of course it s nice for me.
Please don t leave my questions unanswered. I also try to answer all your questions.
So we can get to know each other better...
How is your day going? Today I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. Every morning I start with charging.
I don t have time to go to the gym, so I do physical exercises at home. Sometimes I visit a public swimming pool.
Now I m back at work. I don t have much work to do today.
xxx, is there a beach near your house? In summer, I really like to visit the beach.
River Dniester is not far from my city of Tiraspol.. It s a River Dniester.
But there are several places where you can relax, stay with tents and swim in the River.
In the last letter, I asked you about your hobby... I have a hobby.
I like to cook new dishes. I also have a large collection of cooking recipes from all over the world.
Since childhood, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my mother. My mother taught me to cook a lot of different dishes.
Are you familiar with Moldova cuisine? Are there any restaurants of Moldova cuisine where you live?
In my city Tiraspol there are restaurants of Mexican cuisine, Spanish cuisine, Japanese cuisine, Italian cuisine.
I will be happy to introduce you to Moldova cuisine in the future. I live alone in a rented studio apartment.
My parents live in a village near the city of Tiraspol. In the village, the Infrastructure is less developed,
and there is no work, so I preferred to live in the city of Tiraspol.
I often visit my parents. My mother is 67 years old. My dad is 69 years old. I have an older brother.
My brother is 48 years old. My brother has his own family. My brother works in the rescue
service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Moldova. My brother has a daughter, she is 4 years old.
This is my niece. But I don t see my brother as often as they don t often come to visit.
But once a year we all gather at my parents house. I love my family very much!
xxx, when I write you a letter, I want to tell you everything. It s a pity that there is a distance between us.
If we lived next door, we could meet in a cafe and talk endlessly. I sincerely hope that you support my dreams.
I hope that one day our dreams will come true. I m waiting for your letter. Tell me more about yourself. I m very curious.
Write to me as soon as you have free time. Ok? Waiting for an answer. Angela
Best regards, Angela
How do you? I am waiting for a letter from you. Angela

Best regards, Angela
How are you keeping? Why not answer me, I wrote to you and waiting for an answer, your Angela .

Best regards, Angela
Hello dear!!! How was your day today? Today I have a great mood. And I am happy to share a good mood with you. I want to wish you a good and cheerful joyful day !!! Your Angela

Best regards, Angela
Good afternoon. How is your day today? I haven t received news from you today. Everything is fine? How do you feel? Your Angela

Best regards, Angela
Nice sunny day today. How is your day this Sunday? What are you doing today? What is your weather like today? I miss you. I am waiting for letters from you. Angela

Best regards, Angela
I m frustrated now because you did not answer me. In the morning I woke up and thought about you.
I hurried to check my e-mail waiting for you to receive a new message, but my expectations were not justified.
It was empty on my mailbox. Are you so busy that you do not have a free minute to write me a couple of lines?
I miss you and your news. Please contact me. I am waiting for your letter. Your Angela
Hi. Today I found your message in my spam folder.
And this message is already a few days in the spam folder.
I rarely look the spams folder. But today decided to check out,
as I have not received your letter. And thought is your message in spams folder.
I do not know how it got there. You get my letter?
Check your spam folder. Perhaps mine messages just do not reach you.
I ll look forward to your reaction. Angela
Best regards, Angela
How are you? I am waiting for a letter from you. Your Angela.

Best regards, Angela
Hello xxx, Are you waiting for my letters? I rush to work every day to see your letter.
I try to read your letter in the morning, and I have a good mood for the whole day.
Now I have free time, and I m writing you a letter. Our communication with you
in no way interferes with my work. I manage to do everything that is required of me at work.
xxx, how did you spend last night? what are your plans for tonight?
Yesterday I wanted to go to the cinema. I don t like going to the movies alone.
I invited my childhood friend Olga to the cinema, but she refused. My friend had a lot to do yesterday.
We agreed that we would go to the cinema today. Now I do not know what movie we will watch..
Do you like to visit the cinema hall or watch a movie at home? I like to watch movies on the big screen.
I like melodramas, comedies, adventures. What genres of films do you like?
I don t have any special preferences in music. My choice of music depends on my mood.
I can listen to rock, pop, transe. I also like Latin American music. do you like to dance?
I m a good dancer. As a child, I attended a dance school. When I was studying at the institute, I was engaged in aerobics.
I also like to dance a slow dance. It s been a long time since I ve danced a slow dance.
Dear xxx, do you think of our communication as friendship or something big?
I want to know that. I am a very trusting girl. My heart has been broken by bad relationships in the past!
I don t want the experience of a failed relationship to repeat itself for me again. I like you.
I read a lot of compliments in your letters. You say such beautiful words to me,
which I have never heard from men in Moldova. I m revealing my feelings to you now.
It seems to me that my life is beginning to be filled with meaning. Sometimes I think about you during the day.
I can imagine what you are doing at any given time. Please be sincere with me.
I don t have time to continue writing a letter to you anymore. I have to work...
I m waiting for your letter! Your friend from Moldova, Angela
How are you? I m interested in meeting you.
I m here my ID692486, join my chat -
I can’t wait for our chat! I am waiting for you!! Angela