Der Vorgang 23754

Der erste Kontakt 23754

Anzahl der Mails: 10

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 10 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good day. Thank you for your fast reply, I need to request you to be good along with me.
The Net is a completely new type of dating for me personally,
while communication on the Net is well-known everywhere at present.
It is not important if long distance separates us we nevertheless can connect and become familiar with each other.
Would you agree? Please remember to send me your shots. I am sure you have a charming laugh.
enjoying your photographs should help me become familiar with you and your life much better.
That is in reality the first-time I am composing a message towards to,
therefore do not laugh at myself. I m a friendly woman although I m really familiar with interacting in reality.
I like to see a individual s expressions when chatting and also observe genuine behavior.
I I m hoping I you have got a grin on the face right now and you re in an excellent state of mind.
I am thirty six yrs. I was created on Jan 01st, 1986.
My horoscope sign is Capricorn. When exactly is your birthday? The variance in age simply cannot be a difficulty
an issue within our conversation, acquaintance can join forces at every age.
Friend, I have a college diploma. Currently i m working and also I m lonely.
I m definitely not wedded and do not have children. I hope you go through my letter.
I don t want to appear boring. Are you really intrigued by browsing this message?
I know that you re a great person. I ll watch for your response tomorrow.
Ask me your thoughts you might be keen on, and I ll try and reply to you.
Good? Along with the email I m actually forwarding you my personal shot. Bye.
I am going to look ahead to your reaction. Liudmila

Best regards, Liudmila
Good day! No response from you. Apparently you are not interested in our communication? I hope that I am mistaken and you will write to me. Liudmila :)

Best regards, Liudmila
Good day xxx, It s me again Liudmila! Are you in a good mood?
I ve been waiting for today to see your new message. I was sure that you would write me a letter.
Last night, I wanted to see a letter from you, but I didn t have access to the Internet.
Now I m at work and I have access to the Internet. It is convenient for me to write letters from work...
xxx, I think I should keep telling you about my life. At the age of 36, I have never been married.
I don t have children, but I love children and children love me! I don t smoke. I only drink wine during the celebration.
Bad habits reduce our life. I am not against smoking, everyone makes their own choice.
I don t have a lot of free time, because I work a lot. When I have free time, I spend it in a variety of ways.
There is not much entertainment in my small town of Tiraspol. Have you already seen the city of Tiraspol Moldova on the Internet?
Have you ever been to my country in Moldova? Moldova is a little country. Moldova has a very rich history.
I m not going to tell you about it now. I work as an accountant in a construction company.
My work requires me to be serious, attentive, and diligent. These qualities are present in me. I like working with documents.
Every day I start working from 09:00 in the morning. I finish working at 17:00 in the evening. I m resting on Sunday.
I have a higher education. xxx, what kind of education do you have? My work brings me a stable good income.
This money is enough for living in Moldova. I get moral satisfaction from my work. I don t live to work.
As for the English language... I have been studying English for 3 years now. I am learning English on my own.
I try to write a letter to you on my own, but sometimes I use an online translator.
I m sorry for any possible errors in my emails. I hope that our communication will allow me to improve my knowledge of English.
Now I am very pleased that we are getting to know each other. xxx, please tell me about yourself and your country.
I m interested in learning about your life... How do you spend every day? have you met people from Moldova in your country? Do you have a hobby?
I am sending you my photos, I hope that you like them. I will also be happy to receive your photos.
Now I have to keep working. Thank you for your attention. I hope that my letter was not boring for you.
I ll be waiting for an answer from you. Liudmila

Best regards, Liudmila
Hello. How are you? What news? I have not received a letter from you today. Are you okay? How is your well -being? You are not sick? Write as soon as possible. Your Liudmila

Best regards, Liudmila
Hey. Why didn t you answer me? Liudmila

Best regards, Liudmila
How Are You Keeping? Today is Saturday short working day. But I have a lot of paperwork and now I am writing you a short message. I want to wish you a good day. Liudmila. :)

Best regards, Liudmila
Hey :). What is up today? Today I have a great mood. And I want to share with you my good mood... Liudmila

Best regards, Liudmila
Best regards, Liudmila
Hello. How are you? What news? I have not received a letter from you today. Are you okay? How is your well -being? You are not sick? Write as soon as possible. Liudmila

Best regards, Liudmila
Good day there. Today I found your message in mine spam folder.
And this letter is already a few days in the spams folder.
I rarely watch the spams folder. But today decided to check out,
as I have not received your letter. And thought is your message in spam folder.
I do not know how it got there. You get mine message?
Check your spams folder. Perhaps mine messages just do not reach you.
I ll watch for your response. Liudmila
Best regards, Liudmila