Der Vorgang 26967

Der erste Kontakt 26967

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Gefällt dir mein Foto? ich würde dich gerne kennenlernen! Ich wohne in Kasachstan , und wo wohnst du? Wie alt bist du? ich bin 42! Wenn du mich magst, kannst du mir deine Antwort hier schreiben
Hello my new friend!!! What s your name? I am very pleased to make a new acquaintance with you. I hope that our acquaintance will lead to something more than just friendship. Do you feel the same way?

Thank you for your photo! You re very handsome on it!! Send me more of your photos! I d like to see you again!!

Thank you for telling me about yourself!! I am very pleased to hear about you! Tell me even more about yourself!! I want to get to know you better!! What are the names of your sisters and brothers? How old are they? Can you tell me!) You have a great job! I m very sorry that your parents died. I condole.

I want to tell you a little more about myself. My name is Yuliya. I am 42 years old. I was born and live in Kazakhstan, not far from the city of Astana. I live in my house, which I inherited from my husband after the divorce. I like to live in the country, I don t like the hustle and bustle. My height is 169 cm, my weight is 57 kg. As I said, I am divorced, my ex-husband and I realized that feelings were not the same as they were before and decided to file for divorce. I have a beautiful daughter. I hope this is not a problem for you? She is already 18 years old, she studies at the institute and is engaged in fitness, professionally performs at competitions!!! She does well and she constantly takes prizes!!! I work as a fitness trainer and also train her. I am a happy woman and a mom, but I realized that I don t want to be alone. My daughter lives in the city and comes to me for the weekend, she has her own interesting life. I m not one of those parents who constantly ask to come when they get lonely! I understand that she is already an adult and she needs to build her personal life! But when I come home, I get lonely. I am glad that now I have a friend on the Internet. I m not at the age to go on speed dates and look for a man in real life, so I decided to try to find a man through the Internet. Now I won t be so lonely in the evenings. I hope to try my luck and find happiness and love. I know many examples when a couple finds each other through the Internet and they build a wonderful family. This concludes my letter. I think you were interested in getting to know me! If you have any questions, don t be shy and ask them!!! Maybe I haven t told you everything you d like to know! And also tell us more about yourself and be sure to send your photos. I am also sending you my photos and I will send you a photo with my daughter. I will be looking forward to your answer!!! Your Yuliya.