Der Vorgang 26968

Der erste Kontakt 26968

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Greetings, my beloved!

I m jotting a note this letter with the hope that it finds its way to you and that it might be the initiation of something exceedingly gorgeous.

I dwell in the magnificent country of Ukraine.

From the moment I began scribbling these sentences, I perceive my cardiovascular organ beating faster and my thoughts are filled with only you.

I do not comprehend where you dwell, what you look like, or what your passions are, but I have confidence that out there somewhere out there, in this vast globe, there s a gentleman who will make my being full and blissful.

I desire to find you, my separate half, with whom we can divvy up the ecstasy and miseries of this living.

I daydream of walking with you across the thoroughfares of our city, holding fingers, observing sunsets and astral bodies, hugging on cold winter nights, and smiling on warm summer days.

I m ready to give you my cardiovascular organ, be your bolster, your ultimate friend, and a ardent lover. I have faith in real love, and I m set to contend for it if you re alongside my side.

My beloved, if you re looking through this letter, please know that in some place in Ukraine, there s a woman who fantasizes about you every daylight.

I m waiting for your answer, hoping that our getting to know each other will be the initiation of our wonderful tale of love.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

With love,