Der Vorgang 27237

Der erste Kontakt 27237

Anzahl der Mails: 7

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Hello Dear! my name Olesea. I am from Ukraine. I am already 35 years old. I have a great job and a stable income. I can communicate in several languages, not exclusively English. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION. If you have doubts about my honesty or you are sure that I will prove something to you or come up with excuses! Better don t reply to this letter! Undoubtedly, like any woman I want to start a family. My main goal is to start communication and more with a man, maybe via the Internet. For me, age is actually doesn t matter. After all, I myself am no longer aged. Also, I consider myself a amazing and intelligent girl. I know how to cook and don’t like a mess in the house. If you are interested for such a girl, then let s communicate. My true goal is see an positive, stable man who hasgoals in life. Someone who won’t complain about the past in life. Someone who wants rise up and develop. If your goal is just fun or lust, just ignore this message. It won t have any significance.

Interested? Please answer ONLY to my regular mail box:

I will be satisfied get acquainted with a worthy man, I m waiting for your photos and story about you!
My respect xxx,

I got your reply.I suppose that you are waiting for my responding.So I hastened to respond so that you know I read your message.In fact,in our time all people

ignore to such trifles as uncomplicated decorum and respect.It took your time and effort was made to write me a letter,to make the first step,this is very much

significant,I m glad.That s why,the second I received your message,I m going instantly write back you. This night I will reflect about what to tell to you in my next

message.I believe that age is just numbers.And the age difference doesn t matter to me.Of course,I will endeavor make you like me.I will attach some more of my

pictures.I ll write more information about me.I beg you don t be dissappoined if my letter does not meet your expectations,because as at school I will write an opus,

an autobiography.I m hoping you don t become being some kind of twerp,a liar or a ringed man.I do not assert that I will impress you or that you will get a crush on

me.I just know it will be something groovy for us both.I have a favor to ask,the second you get this letter,let me know.the second I saw your letter,I immediately

answered it.Here it comes to be respectful...I m sure that utmost tomorrow night you ll be able find my other letter and look at my pics.So review yourmailbox

occasionally,as well as your ad and spam folder!A shorter message this won t take long.I will write you when I have a chance.

I always keep my word and do not give empty promises!

Your ,Olesea
g day xxx,

Hopefully everything is like I promised,I m writing you this email.Notice that I took the time and resolve to do it like I said I would.

Yesterday,after I received your letter and answered it,I thought for a long time how I can introduce myself.I told my friend that I received your letter.

She was unhappy,reminded me that last time,some vulgar men and twisters who are playing games texted me by mail.I right away replied that you need to give a man a

chance,not all men are alike.Moreover,I owe nothing to anyone and ask for nothing.That would meant that I can cut the conversation at any minute.

I have a chance to access my mail only at work.I have no a computer at my place because I do not need this.

I m sorry for the people who depend upon the gadgets and modern technology.I started pump out,give me a hand,suggest me how best to write about myself,what to tell?

y friend briefly told me that you should tell the information,things as they are.

This is the only option to build a natural dialog,and also said that I should not be so credent and confident,my new friend may not like me.

She also said that she d help me get some photos.So,over here all information about myself is.I’m thirty five years old.My birth date is 18 March.

I was born and raised in Ukraine,in the city of Podilsk.It is manufacturing town in the southern Ukraine,I m not sure you heard about it.

Here I was born, spent my childhood and ended university of medicine.Yes,I m working in a private stomatology.

I m a dental specialist,I make dental plates and implants.I won international award a few times,and studied in europe,canada.

I get to choose the country myself,it s allowed by the conditions of the contest.I love all of that so much.

It was always interesting for me to pursue science and gain new experience.As you can imagine,I have quite considerable and fascinating biography.

But,sadly,it has always prevented my personal life.What man can accept it?Each standard man,above all,wants a true and caring lady.

I realized it too late.At some time,it has become difficult for me get to know new people.I don t blame anyone but myself.However,science is not a lady thing.

I understand that I have to change who I am and change my life.This has resulted in online relationship.Writing letters is actually very romantic.

You always have a minute think about writing,it s an opportunity to express your idea.Probably,it s enough for today.I shortly introduced myself like a lady.

If you read closely,you could possibly realize my personality and temper.I apologize if there s nothing concrete in that email that interested you.

I will tell you about myself into the details,step by step.I beg you to try to answer my messages each a short Mail.I know that it s not so easy.

But you might comment things about me.Or at the least tell me about your day.

Yours cordially,Olesea
Hello how are you??!  xxx,How was your day? Hopefully everything is fine. I'm glad to receive your letter. This demonstrates that you do care. I want to thank you very much for your photos.I think you're a very handsome man and you look very good. I will be very pleased if you'll send me as many of your photos, photos of your home or friends.  I'm interested in everything about you.I want to know you as well as I can.Maybe my previous letters do not quite comply with to your requests, but I was only trying to tell you about myself. I'm hoping you understand that it's not that easy to open up to a new I just want to complement the overall picture of me and my manner, you to can clear whether you like me or not. I will try to tell you about my attitude to the today's world and technique. I propose to spend that day so everyone, two of us, say things we like on this earth, in the opposite direction.This way we can figure out what we can expect one from the other. I'm hoping you don't object??I really don't know if you are interested or no, but my height is cm, my weight at the moment is kg. I love animals so much, but do not dare to get a pet at my place.Since I spend a long time at the clinic, and pets require a lot of attention and care. I like reading books, mainly classical and non-fiction books, movies, I really like rom-coms.My favorite color is green, and surely, as every young woman I like flowers, my favorite is lilies! I've never seen my father, he abandoned us when I was a child, my mama said it.I have no idea why, I haven't asked. Probably he has shown his infirmity, or maybe he had met other woman whom he does love and is very happy.My mom had died several years ago of cancer. It's been a rough time  of my life. Thus, I dedicated myself totally to my employment and my study and progress.As you can imagine, there's nothing for me in Ukraine, I've been dreaming of living and working in another country.But xxx, since I didn't meet a decent man for whom I can change my life, I still live in Ukraine.  Firstly, I have a negative attitude towards all social networks and mobile applications. It seems to me that from it human race is just degrading.After all, it is so stupid and gross to write short texts and get a momentary answer. Just ask how are you? Or what you're doing?? It looks so trite.There are no indicator of concern or importance in that woman. It's quite another matter when you receive a big, exciting email.It shows that your communicator devoted his time and showed respect for you. While reading a letter, you may quickly figure out the intelligence of the communicator.Because, you will have a full day to formulate your thoughts and desires. You have time to figure out about what to answer! I do read my email at the clinic.Certainly, like any girl, I'm dreaming a family and babies. I know that a relationship is always a tough work for both! This is a constant search for compromises.Now what is family and relations to me?? I believe that the family is blessed and solid as long as there is balance in it. The man is the head of the family, he is reliance and confidence for everyone else. When a woman is certain in her man, she will hold on to the end and save the family. She will be dedicated and caring and would do everything to make all members of the family happy.I can't understand modern society. Men have completely stopped seeking a female! Where is the courting? Where are the feats? Where are some treats and kinds attention???Everybody's going to some kind of equality, this is a dead end, it'll crush all of humanity. When I practiced in Europe, I seen such a bad picture that at the diner, everybody pays for himself!!!Men, in a majority, have become weaker than women. Most men even leave a woman single with concerns. They do not even try to do something!! They're saying resolve the problems  yourself!Now it's not money, but about simple respect and expression of a masculine character. Any woman values when a man is just trying to do anything, tries all variants!!  Once a man has said, I cannot, I don't want, it's up to you – IT IS THE END! All of the problems arise from that. All cheatings appear from it. This is natural selection.That's like in the wildlife, as soon as the male demonstrates his faintness and apathy, he immediately looses respect.  Equally, since a female is forgotten that she is a wife, mother, hostess and homemaker, they immediately lose interest in her. And then they look for a changing.Hopefully you are agree with me! Or you've got a different view on that ??? I will be very interested to hear!I would be delighted if you will write to me each day. I will try to do the same. I think you could always tell how your day went!Or to tell about your attitude on some topic or event! It's not difficult to make - minutes every day. Take your mind off it all and just write an email!Today I got a pretty big e-mail, I'm asking you to find patience in yourself and read this to the end!))) Plus respond what are you thinking about the modern world!What is relationship for you??? What do you hate in a woman??? In general, write how you see a proper family and proper relationships!I'll be waitng for your responding. Your,Olesea 
Hey there my dear friend  xxx,I really hope that you are fine.You can share so many events in emails.Tell me,maybe you didn’t like something in my e-mails or my photo?I hope you’ve readeverything I sent earlier.I received your last e-mail the other day.I understand that you have a lot to do or my e-mail may simply not come.Please check your spam folder.Maybe my letters are there.I want to know your news.I hope that everything is ok with you and you just have no time to reply me.If you have - minutes of yourtime,please write me the reply how your day was.I would really like to continue our Conversation.Yours,Olesea 
My respect  xxx,I have sent you an E-Mail with my photos,but today you did not answer me.Why?This morning,as usual,I checked my mail-box and really wanted to see your letter.May I ask why?I am very worried about you.I really need your support today.I’ve sent the results of all my research work to the Medical Association and will waitfor a response from the medical board.I'm so worried!I believed you would answer me today and tell me all your news.How was your day?I do not want to seemboring.I can see that you may be busy.I’m looking forward to your news and your reply.Best of luck,Olesea  
Good afternoon  xxx,I do reply to all letters I get. Maybe yours got lost in cyberspace. and couldn't find my mail box. Internet connections are "not always reliable or accurate!"Maybe my emails are in your "Spam Files" or just "Deleted?"But,time will tell and what ever works for you will have to work for me!.Today I came to work,and I did not get any e-mail from you.I try to tell something new every day...I do hope we understand each other and we will not make ant wrong conclusions.Please don’t forget about me,I wish to continue our exchange of e-Mails.I am waiting news from you.Wish you only good mood and thoughts about me!Bye for now,Olesea