Der Vorgang 27238

Der erste Kontakt 27238

Anzahl der Mails: 4

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Greetings my great pen-friend my name is Olesea. I am from Ukraine. My age 35 years old. I have a good job and a stable salary. I speak several languages, other than English. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION. If you have distrust about my selfless goal or you believe that I will affirm something to you or justify myself! Better forget about this message! Of course, like any woman I dream about a family. My main goal is to get to know a man, maybe virtually. For me, age is actually it s not the main thing. After all, I myself am no longer aged. Among other things, I consider myself a good and intelligent girl. I love to cook and don’t like a mess in the house. If you are interested for such a girl, then let s get to know each other. My main goal is to find an interesting, ambitious man who hasaspirations in life. Someone who won’t cause pity because of something in the past. Someone who strives grow and not stand still. If your goal is just entertainment or lewd behavior, just don t reply to this letter. It won t have any continuation.

Interested? Please write ONLY to my personal mailbox:

I will be satisfied get acquainted with a serious man, I m waiting for photo and story about you!
Hello xxx. I saw your reply. I think that you re waiting for my answer. So I hurried to respond so that you see I read your email. in point of fact all people neglect to such details as rudimentary courtesy and appreciation. It took your time and made efforts to write me a message, to make the first step, this is very relevant, It is a pleasure. Thus, the second I read your email, I want to right now reply you. This night I will think about what to tell to you in my another email. for me that age is just a number. I don t mind the age difference Obviously, I will endeavor you to like me. I will put some more of my images. I will write you about me in detail. I m asking you don t be sad if my letter does not coincide with your ideas, because as at school I m gonna write an opus, an autobiography. I m hoping you don t become being some kind of boor, a storyteller or a espoused man. I am not saying that you will like me or that you will get a crush on me. I m just sure it will be something catching for the two of us. I got a favor to ask, the second you receive this email, let me know. the second I received your message, I right away reacted it. Here it comes to respect.. I m certain that at most tomorrow evening you can get my another email and look at my pictures. So look at your inbox on occasion, and at the same time your advertising and spam folder! A short email will not take you a long time. I promise I will write to you again. I always keep my word and do not give empty promises! Olesea
Hello xxx. What was going on with you today? What is your mood today? Hopefully it s all right. xxx like I promised, I am writing you a second email. You ll notice that I found time and confidence to do it like I said I would. Yesterday, once I received your message and wrote back it, I ve been thinking what can I tell you about myself. In the evening, just after I finished work, a friend of mine, Darya, and I have gone to a coffee house to catch up and have a cup of coffee. We oftentimes do it after work. I have told that I ve had your message. She was unhappy, Darya reminded me that fisrt time, some vulgar men and liars who are playing games e-mailed me. I right away just said that you gotta give a man a chance, not all men are the same. Nay, It doesn t obligate me to anyone and don t ask for a lot of things. That would meant that I can discontinue talking anytime. I can access my mail only at work. I don t have a laptop at my place because I do not need this. I feel sorry for the people who depend on the gadgets and current technologies. I started pump out Darya, help me, tell me how best to write about myself, what to tell? My friend briefly said that you should tell the truth, things as they are. This is the only option natural dialogue can be constructed, and also said that I must not be so credent and opinionated, my new friend may not like me. She also mentioned that she can help me take beautiful photos, this is her hobby. Well, over here all truth about myself is. I am 36 years old, my birthday is 18 march 1988. I was born and I ve grown up in Ukraine, in the city of Podolsk. It is manufacturing town in the middle of Ukraine, I don t really think you ve heard about that. Here I was born, grew up and ended university of medicine. Well, I m working in a private dental clini, I am a dental technician, I make dental plates and implants. I won international award several times, and studied in S.Korea, Canada each time, I chose the country myself, this is permitted by the provisions of the contest. I liked all this very much. It was always interesting for me to pursue science and obtain new knowledge. As you can see, I have quite considerable and fascinating biography. But, disappointingly, it has always prevented my personal relationships. What man can accept it? Every regular man, first of all, wants a loyal and tender lady. I realized it too late. For a moment, it even became complicated for me get to know new people. I m not blaming nobody but me. All the same, science is not female occupation. I do realize that I have to change who I am and change my life. It led to meeting people over the Internet. Writing letters is for real very romantic. You always have a minute reflect on how to write, it s an opportunity to express your mind. Probably, it s enough for today. I shortly introduced myself as a female. When you read closely, you could obviously figure out my personality and temper. I apologize if there isn t anything specific in my letter you wanted to know. I can tell you about me into the details, step by step. I ll be waiting for your responding, P.S I m begging you to try to answer my letters everyday. Nothing more than a brief text. I know that it s not that easy. But you might comment anything about me. Or at least tell me about your day today. Olesea
Hello xxx. It is my final attempt to get any responding from you. I would even say that it's just a favour. I have sent you many letters recently. I never got answer.I'm hoping, of course, that you didn't check your e-mail all the while, or that my messages have come in your spam folder! If you don't check your email,even though you're too busy!!!! Why did you text to me? Why respond my profile??? In my questionnaire, I clearly indicated that I'm going to give a chanceto change my life only to a deserving and well-conducted man. But to ignore the messages is merely disrespectfully! I will not believe that you don't evenhave min to simply show that you received my e-mail and will write back at the earliest opportunity!!! Olesea