Der Vorgang 27805

Der erste Kontakt 27805

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Beloved xxx xxx, I trust this message finds you in the utmost ofspirits.I extend my apologies for the frequent contact, yet I‘m eager to determinewhether the spark of our communication still burns vividly. I‘ve previouslydispatched an email, but to my apology, it remains unanswered, causing ashadow of doubt on its receipt. I completely understand that there could bea multitude of reasons behind your silence. Perhaps my nationality orlocation did not match with your expectations, or possibly, something Idiscussed in my earlier message unintentionally caused discomfort. If thisis the case, I offer my sincerest apologies. I would be everlastinglygrateful if you could communicate your feelings regarding the continuationof our conversation. Nevertheless, I completely understand if you no longerwish to engage. In the event that my messages echo in the void of yourinbox, be assured I shall not bother further. I hold profound appreciationfor the time you‘ve dedicated to our exchanges, and I humbly ask for yourpardon if my prior attempts have caused any inconvenience.With the warmest regards, Sveta.