Der Vorgang 27806

Der erste Kontakt 27806

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
My dearest xxx xxx , I hope this message finds you in the best ofspirits. I tender my apologies for the repeated contact, yet I‘m eager todetermine whether the flame of our communication still burns brightly. I‘veformerly dispatched an email, but to my apology, it remains unanswered,casting a shadow of doubt on its delivery. I fully understand that therecould be a multitude of reasons behind your lack of response. Perhaps mynationality or location did not correspond with your expectations, orpossibly, something I discussed in my prior message unintentionally causeddiscomfort. If this is the case, I extend my sincerest apologies. I wouldbe eternally grateful if you could communicate your feelings regarding thecontinuation of our discourse. Nevertheless, I fully understand if you nolonger wish to participate. In the event that my messages echo in theemptiness of your inbox, rest assured I shall not intrude further. I holddeep appreciation for the time you‘ve dedicated to our exchanges, and Imodestly seek your forgiveness if my prior attempts have caused anyinconvenience. With the warmest regards, Sveta.