Der Vorgang 27808

Der erste Kontakt 27808

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Dearest xxx xxx, I hope this message finds you in the utmost of spirits.I tender my apologies for the repeated contact, yet I‘m curious to find outwhether the flame of our communication still burns brightly. I‘ve in thepast dispatched an email, but to my apology, it remains unanswered, causinga shadow of doubt on its receipt. I wholeheartedly grasp that there couldbe a myriad of reasons behind your lack of response.Perhaps my nationality or location did not align with your expectations, ormaybe, something I mentioned in my prior message unintentionally causeddiscomfort. If this is the case, I extend my sincerest apologies. I wouldbe everlastingly grateful if you could share your feelings about thecontinuation of our discourse. Nevertheless, I entirely understand if youno longer wish to get involved. In the event that my messages echo in theemptiness of your inbox, know I shall not intrude further.I hold profound appreciation for the time you‘ve dedicated to ourexchanges, and I humbly request your forgiveness if my prior attempts havecaused any discomfort.With the most affectionate regards, Svetlana.