Der Vorgang 27807

Der erste Kontakt 27807

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Beloved xxx xxx, I trust this message finds you in the finest ofspirits.I tender my apologies for the frequent contact, yet I‘m curious todetermine whether the flame of our communication still burns vividly. I‘vepreviously dispatched an email, but to my regret, it remains unanswered,causing a shadow of doubt on its delivery. I wholeheartedly comprehend thatthere could be a multitude of reasons behind your lack of response.Perhaps my nationality or location did not correspond with yourexpectations, or possibly, something I discussed in my earlier messageinadvertently caused discomfort. If this is the case, I offer my deepestapologies. I would be eternally grateful if you could communicate yourfeelings about the continuation of our conversation. Nevertheless, Ientirely comprehend if you no longer wish to participate. In the event thatmy messages echo in the emptiness of your inbox, be assured I shall notdisturb further.I hold heartfelt appreciation for the time you‘ve dedicated to ourexchanges, and I modestly ask for your forgiveness if my prior attemptshave caused any discomfort.With the fondest regards, Svetlana.