Der Vorgang 28595

Der erste Kontakt 28595

Anzahl der Mails: 20

Es wurden insgesamt -- 20 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hey xxx, I have received from you "invitation to dialogue."
I was pleasantly surprised by your letter.
How did you get my e-mail address?
I would be interested in communicating with you.
I'm apologetic, I deleted your message,
but I kept your email address.
I attached you my photo.
If you are curious, I look forward to a message from you.
I love new connections and love to make new friends.
I would like to know more about you.
And may be meet in the future.
I will be waiting for a letter from you.

hello again me, xxx,
You know, I believe that all people are different and
at the same time, they are alike.
I like to communicate. I get on with people of every age.
It's very interesting to find new friends, and I hope that someday
I will be able to find my second half.
Lately, I feel lonely. Therefore, Internet communication
is assistance for me.
Because every day it is more difficult for me to
communicate with people who surround me.
I don't criticize them, but I understand more and more
that I should have been born in another country.
I don't know, do you want communication with me or not,
but I'd really like to get an answer from you.

I'm sorry I didn't write to you for a long time,
because I have a lot of work.
I have a home computer, but it's not connected to the Internet.
Therefore, I am writing you letters from work's computer!
I'm sorry, but I can't write to you every day.
Now more about me -  I'm 31 years old.
I live in a small village (Kazakhstan country), 50 kilometers from the city,
together with my grandfather. I'm very tired of this life.
I heard from my friends, who went abroad, that you have a completely
different life. They say that kind, sympathetic and honest people live abroad.
I dream of this life. And I made a decision that I would definitely leave here.
I was very lucky that I met you.
I received a letter with your e-mail address and the phrase "invitation to dialogue".
May be this is fate?
I know that now it is very fashionable to communicate through social networks
and messengers. But the rules for using work's internet prohibit use of facebook,
vkontakte and other social networks.
I have a telephone, but this is the most common phone and I don't have access to
the Internet. Unfortunately, I can't exchange instant messages with you.
But I don't think this is a problem for us.
I will often write letters and send my photos to you from my work computer.

So we can also get to know each other better.
I feel that you are a good person. And I don't want to lose contact with you.
I'm very interested what do you do in your spare time.
Have you hobbies and interests?
I want to know more about you. And I really am very glad to meet you.
Your new friend,

I live in Kazakhstan. do you know where this country is?
I am very glad that I can write to you again.
It is not that often, because I have a lot of work .
Today I want to tell more about myself.
I guess my life is not interesting as yours.
I work as a regular cook in school canteen.
And I am writing you all the letters from the school
library, because here free internet.
My village is far from the city and there is no internet.
I already wrote to you that the rules of the school library
prohibit the use of social networks.
Therefore, I can't use skype, facebook, whats up, viber and
all other social networks. I can only write emails.
There is also no webcam, so every time I take my photos from
home and bring them with me to send to you.
Since my childhood I loved to cook. So when I finished school,
I went to study to cook.
My friends really love it when i cook for them.
I already wrote that I am 31. I have a lot of friends of different ages.
I don’t see a problem in the age difference.
Maybe that's why I work at school?
I spend a lot of time at work and I don’t have time for entertainment.
My height is 165 cm and my weight is 54 kg.
I studied English at school. Sometimes a dictionary interpreter helps me,
but I can speak in English. I have a Kazakh accent.
I have never been married. My last relationship ended 2 years ago.
My ex-man went to live in Astana. He already has a wife and a child.
I wrote to you about my village, it is in Kazakhstan and is
called Torgai. This is Zhangeldy district, Kostanay region,
Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan). You can see it on the map -
in the central part of Eurasia,
bordering Russia in the west and north, and China in the east.
By nationality, I'm Kazakh.
I live with my grandfather, because my parents died when I was 5 years old.
They were in a car accident.
I don’t like to think about it...
My grandfather says that I must leave here. He says that I'm wasting my time.
I agree with him. Live in Kazakhstan very difficult. Sanctions and state policy
are very aggressive. And I want to see the world.
Now I'm collecting information on how to get a visa to your country.
I already have a list of documents required to obtain a visa.
I think it will take about a week. What do you think about it?
Would you like to meet me?
Tell me more about your city. I am very interested in your life.
P.S. Here is my phone number +77020248643. But I don’t think you can reach me.
In Kazakhstan, to take international calls, you need to have a special permit.
This rule was imposed after the sanctions. But I will try to obtain the
necessary permits for this.

I once again want to say that I'm very sorry that we can’t
speak on-lain. I don't have any social pages. I dream to talk
to you on Skype, or write short messages.  And all I can do
is send you an email. I hope you understand that these are
the rules for using computers at school.
I want to confess to you that you are not the first man from
another country to whom I write letters. Before you, I had
contact with 2 two men on the Internet. But now I don't have
communication with them. I write letters only to you!!!
For me the color of the skin, the nationality or the age
of the person is not important. I like people! I can communicate
with any people equally well.
The last man with whom I corresponded lived in Cuba.
We stopped communicating with him because he persuaded me to
move from Kazakhstan to Cuba. But I don't want to move to a communist
country.  The other man was from Nigeria. But he stopped writing.
I think he was not real. I heard that there are so many scams on
the Internet. Have you ever had experience with a scammer?
I want you to trust me. I will never deceive you!!!
Today I will send you a photo and you will understand that I am real.
I wrote my name and date on a piece of paper.
Just promise not to show this photo to anyone!!!
PROMISE! Because it is too intimate photo.
I made photo for you in my underwear, because it was very hot at home.
Hope you enjoyed it? And now you will trust me.
I also want to make a short video for you. I will try to send it in
the next letter. I hope I can make it. I can only send a small video
because school internet is limited. But I think you will like it.
Do you want to see my short video?    
I already said that I work as cook at school.
Although I have a small salary,
I already have savings for the trip. I don't want to get a simple
tourist visa,  I want get a residence permit in your country.
This will allow me to live and work in your country.
And after a while, get citizenship. I really want to work.
I don't want to be financially dependent on someone.
Tell me more about your beautiful places.
Where do you like to rest?
Where do you like to spend time with your friends?
Where would you like to go in future?

Did you like the photo with a piece of paper in the last letter?
Now you see that I am real? Today I am sending a new surprise for you.
I attach my video to this letter. This video is not large. I hope you will like it.
Today I had a day off work, so I went to Astana City. I collected all necessary
documents for my trip. It remains to wait for an invitation for an interview
at the embassy. I don't know how long to wait, but I think that I will be
invited in a few days. I can't imagine that in a few days I will be able
to change my life. I am looking forward to these changes. I am very tired
here. And only one thought, that soon this life will be in past,
gives me life energy.
I hope you are also happy for me? And you want to meet me.
Of course, you don't have to do this!!! It is your choice to communicate
with me or not. I don't want to be your burden.
Can I ask you an intimate question?
Do you have erotic dreams? Do you often think about this? Please tell me...
I am very interested... Your most erotic moment of life? May be you have
an erotic dream that you want to realize? Please be honest with me.
If you don't like my questions, please forgive me...
Understand, I have never been married and have no children.
I am very lonely and haven't had a relationship for 2 years.
I wrote to you about it in my letters.
I really want to talk to you sincerely.
Also I would like to ask you.
Would you like to have a gift from Kazakhstan?
Maybe souvenir or something else?
Give me your exact address and I can send you a gift.
Bye, your Baktykanym.
Here, I will write you my address too:
Abaya street 3,
poselok(village) Torgai, Zhangeldy district,
Kostanay region, 110600, Kazakhstan.

Did you like my short videos and my kisses in my last letters?
Now you trust me more? Yes, I know that many women have bad
reputation on Internet. I saw some pictures of these women.
They all look like real models. I am very different from them!!!
I am an ordinary Kazah girl. I'm not looking for money.
I seek only love and friendship. And all that I write in my
letters is true. I trust you, and I want you to trust me too.
I am a little concerned about my last letter.
My letter was very frank. I asked you questions on the erotic topic.
But, I think, you understand that I am a girl, and I love to dream!!!
Moreover, I have not had sex for 2 years.
Today I decided to tease you a little more. And sent you some erotic
photos.  I hope you appreciate it!!! But please do not ask me for
naked photos. We still know very little about each other.
When time passes, and we will move to a new level of communication,
I think you will see my naked photo.
You know that my profession is a cook, and my sexual dream is to cook
naked for my man.  That he saw and enjoyed my body while I cook for him.
Do you like my dream? Please, say me.
I can’t write a lot today because I have to go to the visa application
center for new information. I will write you more when I have new visa
information. I am waiting for your letter and answers to my questions.
Bye, Baktykanym.

Today I want to apologize for my last letter. I hardly slept today.
Please tell me, was I too frank and allowed myself too much?
Maybe I shouldn't have sent you these erotic photos. I'm very embarrassed.
I'm ready to burn with shame. Please do not judge me. Emotions overwhelm me.
I really want romance. Once again I want to ask you, don't show these photos
to anyone. I sent them only to you. I made them myself, using the time delay
on the camera. This is our little secret. OK?
I took all the photos myself using a tripod. I attached a photo of the tripod.
Now I was at visa application center. I have good news. I was given a foreign
passport. I sent you a copy in this letter. This passport will allow me to
come to your country. I am very glad about it.
Today I will send this passport to the embassy to obtain a residence permit
in your country. I already have prior approval for this document. This is not
an ordinary tourist visa. This document will allow me to live and work.
And if I live more than five years, then I can get the citizenship.
I already have some savings to come to you. I also want to sell some of
my things and computer. Therefore, I think I have enough money for first
days of stay. I just need to quickly find a job in your country.
I don't think that this will be a problem, because I will agree to any work.
The only thing that worries me is my grandfather. I don't want to leave him
alone. But I promised that I would come to him. Or maybe he will come to me.
He is very pleased with my decision. He really wants me to leave here.
Are you glad that we will meet soon? What do you feel?
I will write you more when I get response from embassy.
I can't believe that my dream will soon come true and I will have a new life.
Once again I want to apologize for my last letter. Now I have to go.
See you soon, your Baktykanym.

xxx, I accidentally deleted all emails on my email.
Therefore, I don't know if you received my last letter or not.
I have two news. The first - My documents for obtaining residence
in your country (residence permit) were approved. I have already
explained to you that this is not ordinary visa, this is permission
to live and work in your country. This document allows me to live
in your country for 5 years. And after that, I can get citizenship.
This is very good news. But I have bad news too. I didn't think it
would cost so much. Total cost of permit is 665000 Kazakhstani Tenge(KZT)
(approximately 1490 dollars).
This is a fee for registration of all necessary documents.
It includes:
- cost of a visa (residence permit);
- air ticket;
- medical certificate about my health, that I have no diseases;
- medical insurance for the entire period of residence in your country;
- certificate from the executive branch that I have no problems with the laws;
- certificate from the bank that I don't have loans and debts on them;
and many other bureaucratic documents.
Now I don't have full amount of money. I only had 1130 usa dollars.
I paid them that money. But now I need to urgently pay the
remaining 360 usd. I didn't write to you yesterday, because
I spent the whole day searching for this amount. But unfortunately
I couldn't find money. You already know that I live with my grandfather
and I have no other relatives. My grandfather doesn't have this amount,
because he receives small pension, and spends all money on medicines.
I asked friends for help, but all my friends refused me because they
have families.
I understand them, they don't have that kind of money. In Kazakhstan,
salaries of ordinary people are very small.
Then I went around a few banks. But all the banks refused me too...
Banks don't give money people that are leaving to live abroad.
They think that I will never return this money back.
I am very ashamed to ask you about it. But I have no other choice.
I'm desperate. I ask you for help. Can you lend me $360?
Once again, I repeat, I ask you to lend me money.
I will give you this money back. I already wrote to you that I put
up my computer and other things for sale.
I don't know how long it takes to sell all these things.
I have to pay all documents now. If I do not pay on time, they can blacklist
me and refuse to receive documents. I don't think that I will have another
opportunity to obtain a residence permit. I think this is my only chance.
You are my only chance!!! Please help me!!!
And I will come to you right away.
I have repeatedly proved to you that I am real.
I am completely open and honest to you. I sent you my passport.
I will look forward to your reply.
I will pray to God to you believe and help me.
I believe you are good man and will not leave a girl in trouble.
Forever yours Baktykanym.

Did you receive my last letter of assistance?
I am very ashamed of this letter. But understand
I have no choice... I have to ask for your help.
I remind you that I need only 360 usa dollars.
I have a personal bitcoin wallet
that is registered in my name and my passport.
I already sent you a copy of my passport in a previous letter.
If you want to help me, is to send money to my bitcoin wallet

It is convenient and will not take you extra money.
Transfer will cost only 1 dollar. Not more.
You will only need to send money to my wallet.
I will be very grateful to you for your help.
If you don't have your wallet, then you can register it here - or
Just install it on your smartphone or computer.
The whole procedure will not take you much time (maximum 10-15 minutes).
There you can buy and send money to my wallet.
by my wallet number or by Qr-Qode, which I attached to this letter.
Or you can send money in cash through any ATM - or
On these sites you will find the one closest to you.
They accept cash and plastic cards.
just specify my wallet or QR-Qode.
Or use my bank account. I remind you that I need $360.
If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-
KZ08 6010 0020 3008 4567.
Bank name – Halyk Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.
Or send money in euros (that would be 340 euros) to this account –
KZ78 6010 0020 3008 4568.
Bank name – Halyk Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.

Or you can send money to another bank where I also have an account –

I remind you that I need $360.

If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-
KZ10 998P B000 0334 5338.
Bank name – Jusan Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is TSESKZKA.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.
Or send money in euros (that would be 340 euros) to this account –
KZ80 998P B000 0334 5339.
Bank name – Jusan Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is TSESKZKA.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.
And understand the main thing - I am not asking for this money.
I ask you to lend me! I will refund you every cent.
I look forward to your support and help.
I pray and wait for your answer.

xxx, I hurt a lot.
Why did you not believe me and send money?
There are tears in my eyes. I feel bad.
I am ashamed of having to ask you for money.
This is a humiliation for me. It is difficult to realize my helplessness,
and your distrust of me. I feel like beggar who stands on edge of road
and asks for alms. Believe me, this is very painful.
I think you have never experienced such pain.
If you knew what it is, you would surely help me and send money.
I understand that it is difficult to trust me after many women
have deceived men! But understand! I am different from them.
I will really come to you! I promise you!
And most importantly - I don't ask to give me money as gift!
I ask to borrow! I will give you all your money back!
Understand, please, i already paid for most of cost my trip.
Now I need only 171400 Kazakh tenge (this is $360 usa dollars).
I don't think that this is too large sum. I didn't expect everything
to happen so quickly. It remains so little before I come and
realize all our dreams. I very often present our first meeting.
I think it will be very romantic and erotic.
Do you think this is erotic?
I made for you some erotic photos.
I understand that men love to look at naked body.
But please don't ask for naked photos.
Because I work in school and I am write my letters from school library.
If someone sees my naked photos here, I will have problems with the police.
And I can't come to you. You will look at my naked when I come.
I take great risks when I send you erotic photos.
But I like to think that you are looking at my beautiful body.
So you can dream of our first sex.
Do you want to know my favorite sex position?
And my sexual fantasies? I'm upstairs!
You caress my breasts. I feel your dick in my vagina.
I look into your eyes and see how you like it !!!
I will definitely do this when I arrive. I promise!!!
But first you must help me. And send 360 usa dollars.
Or my dream will never come true, and we will be not able
to have sex when we want.
Today I was in banks. But they refused me again.
They will not give me loan, because I'm leaving Kazakhstan.
I already wrote to you that you can send money by any payment
system to my name (I attached my full name and address for this),
but the most convenient way is to send money to my crypto wallet.
In my last letter, I gave you my wallet number.
I've attached a qrcode for your convenience.
Please do it quickly so that I can pay all my documents and come
to you as soon as possible.
I will wait for your reply. I hope you enjoy my photos.
Please don't disappoint me and help me.
P.S. And I very much ask you to send 360 dollars to my bank account
or my bitcoin wallet, which I indicated in the last letter.

I have a good news. Last week, the embassy asked
me to take a new test for all dangerous diseases
and a test that I am not a drug addict.
Today I received an answer.
My test was sent to a laboratory in Astana and today
I received an answer from them.
I'm not sick. I attached a certificate to prove it to you.
Now me only need to pay for all documents.
I wrote to you that I am missing 360 euros (it 360 usa dollars).
Please help me out with this money. I have no one else to turn to.
Understand that I have to pay everything now. All my documents have
already been handed in for the citizenship of your country.
And I can’t miss such a chance.
And I have to pay for the documents now. And very fast. By this time,
all my documents will be ready. The whole problem is pay.
I have to pay right now. In the next few days.
The embassy is waiting for payment. Help me please.
I do not want to miss this chance.
I have already written to you 100 times that I ask you not just
to give me money.
I will come, I will work and will return all your money to you.
I really hope for your kind heart. Please help me.
Don't be afraid, I won't infect you with anything
and I'm not a drug addict.
Nothing will stop me on the way to you.
Now everything is up to you.

Use my bank account. I remind you that I need $360.
If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-
KZ08 6010 0020 3008 4567.
Bank name – Halyk Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.
Or send money in euros (that would be 340 euros) to this account –
KZ78 6010 0020 3008 4568.
Bank name – Halyk Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.
Or you can send money to another bank where I also have an account –
I remind you that I need $360.
If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-
KZ10 998P B000 0334 5338.
Bank name – Jusan Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is TSESKZKA.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.
Or send money in euros (that would be 340 euros) to this account –
KZ80 998P B000 0334 5339.
Bank name – Jusan Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is TSESKZKA.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.

Or the most convenient way for me if you send money to my bitcoin wallet
Do you know what Bitcoins are? This is a very convenient electronic money.
You can send money to me without leaving your home.
If you don't have your wallet,
then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer.
You only need to install the application
- or
Here you can both buy and send bitcoin.
You can also send money through an ATM.
You can see where the closest one to you is here -
or here -
Through an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card.
I have also attached a qrcode. This is my wallet code.
This will make it even easier for you to transfer money.
Just scan it.


I have a good news. Last week, the embassy asked

me to take a new test for all dangerous diseases

and a test that I am not a drug addict.

Today I received an answer.

My test was sent to a laboratory in Astana and today

I received an answer from them.

I m not sick. I attached a certificate to prove it to you.

Now me only need to pay for all documents.

I wrote to you that I am missing 360 euros (it 360 usa dollars).

Please help me out with this money. I have no one else to turn to.

Understand that I have to pay everything now. All my documents have

already been handed in for the citizenship of your country.

And I can’t miss such a chance.

And I have to pay for the documents now. And very fast. By this time,

all my documents will be ready. The whole problem is pay.

I have to pay right now. In the next few days.

The embassy is waiting for payment. Help me please.

I do not want to miss this chance.

I have already written to you 100 times that I ask you not just

to give me money.

I will come, I will work and will return all your money to you.

I really hope for your kind heart. Please help me.

Don t be afraid, I won t infect you with anything

and I m not a drug addict.

Nothing will stop me on the way to you.

Now everything is up to you.



Use my bank account. I remind you that I need $360.

If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-

KZ08 6010 0020 3008 4567.

Bank name – Halyk Bank.

The bank is located in the city - URALSK.

Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.

The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.

Or send money in euros (that would be 340 euros) to this account –

KZ78 6010 0020 3008 4568.

Bank name – Halyk Bank.

The bank is located in the city - URALSK.

Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX.

The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.

Or you can send money to another bank where I also have an account –

I remind you that I need $360.

If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-

KZ10 998P B000 0334 5338.

Bank name – Jusan Bank.

The bank is located in the city - URALSK.

Swift Code Bank is TSESKZKA.

The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.

Or send money in euros (that would be 340 euros) to this account –

KZ80 998P B000 0334 5339.

Bank name – Jusan Bank.

The bank is located in the city - URALSK.

Swift Code Bank is TSESKZKA.

The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.

Or the most convenient way for me if you send money to my bitcoin wallet


Do you know what Bitcoins are? This is a very convenient electronic money.

You can send money to me without leaving your home.

If you don t have your wallet,

then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer.

You only need to install the application

- or

Here you can both buy and send bitcoin.

You can also send money through an ATM.

You can see where the closest one to you is here -

or here -

Through an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card.

I have also attached a qrcode. This is my wallet code.

This will make it even easier for you to transfer money.

xxx scan it.
I had serious problems.
You already know that I live with my grandfather.
Now I am alone, because my grandfather died today.
It's too painful for me.
Now you are MOST CLOSE person to me.
I am very glad that I have you.
Only one thought haunts and very saddens me.
Why have you not helped me still???
Tell me truth. Are you serious about me? Are you ready to help me?
You know that I cannot leave Kazakhstan without your help.
My heart tells me that you are very good and honest person.
But I don’t understand why you refuse to help...
We have known each other for more than two months and
I have repeatedly proved to you my sincerity.
Please prove me your sincerity too.
Rid me of bad thoughts.
I already wrote to you that I need 170000 Kazakh tenge (KZT)
This is 360 usa dollars.
This money is needed so that I can pay for my visa and come to you.
If you are sincere and really want to see me.
Please, I beg you, help me. I have no one else to ask.
I believe that GOD will not leave me, and very soon I will not be alone.
I am looking forward to your reply. Tell me truth.
Please hurry up.

I buried my grandfather. I am very sad.
I see God didn't hear me and you didn't help me.
This is very disappointing. I was very sad to check my mail today.
Do you not feel sorry for me. Why do you treat me like a woman of
the second grade. I haven't done you any harm.
Yes, many women were deceiving,
but understand main thing that I differ from them.
PLEASE, HELP ME. I am desperate, you are my last chance to change my life.
Do you have no human compassion for another's grief?
And do you not want to help me?
You are very unfair if you think that I want to deceive you!
Yesterday, employees at the bank said that in your country
it is not large amount.  And I don’t understand why you refuse me.
Understand main thing! - I don't ask to give! I ask in debt.
I will give you money back!
I will come to you! I PROMISE! I get not just a visa,
but a residence permit! I can work and will get citizenship of your country!
Just imagine that one your small step will save PERSON! HELP ME!
Trust your heart. I'm sure it tells you - help this unfortunate girl change
her life and be happy together. Your deed will be appreciated in heaven.
I'm sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you believe in God, then help. Because He sees that my thoughts are pure.
With sad regret in my heart I finish my letter.
I want to say only this words - SAVE ME! HELP ME!
your Baktykanym.

Today I walked alone for a long time.
I was very lonely, so I thought a lot about you. About your life there.
What are you doing there? Where are you? How do you spend your weekend?
From these thoughts I felt sad, because I want to be with you.
We could have fun together. But while we can not do that.
But I continue to believe... I believe in you and I believe that you
can help me leave here.
Because I have no choice but to believe...
You are my last hope!!! Don't deceive my hope!!! Give me hope!!!
Please do everything to save me. Please give me money for the trip.
I am sure that you often ask yourself the question - why so many women
want to leave my country.
It's very simple - here is a very bad life. It is very difficult to
live when men do not respect women.
When the state deceives you. It is very difficult to become someone here.
But there is another side. I am very ashamed of it.
And it is very difficult to talk about it.
Many women use men to get money.
Believe me, I AM NOT SUCH! I sincerely want to come. And I will come!
I'm not the person who will take the time to steal your money.
For me, chance to leave here is much more important!!!
These $360 are nothing compared to having a new life.
I will never trade a man for money!!!
But unfortunately, I feel your disbelief.
I do not know how to prove to you my sincerity.
At night, I pray…. I write letters in the hope ...
I hope you will believe and help the little defenseless girl.
I believe in you.
Your Baktykanym.

I had contact with the embassy. They again warned me that
I should pay all the documents in the coming days, or they would
refuse me entry. I can easily come to you.
But I have to pay for the documents now. I'm in a bind.
and all my hope is YOU.
I have just returned from the bank. I am very worried about us.
Therefore, I went to the bank today to find out all information again.
I again tried to get a loan, but bank refused. And again they said that
banks don't give money to people who are leaving Kazakhstan.
They can't help me, therefore now all hope is only on you.
Bank employee kindly helped me and explained how you can send money.
Use my bank account.

If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account-
KZ10 998P B000 0334 5338 (IBAN for USD)
Bank name – Jusan Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is TSESKZKA.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.
Or send money in euros (that would be 340 euros) to this account –
KZ80 998P B000 0334 5339 (IBAN for EURO)
Bank name – Jusan Bank.
The bank is located in the city - URALSK.
Swift Code Bank is TSESKZKA.
The account is opened in my full name – BAKTYKANYM AKKULOVA.
Or the most convenient way for me if you send money to my bitcoin wallet
Do you know what Bitcoins are? This is a very convenient electronic money.
You can send money to me without leaving your home.
If you don't have your wallet,
then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer.
You only need to install the application
- or
Here you can both buy and send bitcoin.
You can also send money through an ATM.
You can see where the closest one to you is here -
or here -
Through an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card.
I have also attached a qrcode. This is my wallet code.
This will make it even easier for you to transfer money.
Just scan it.

I already wrote you - I need only 360 dollars:
Total cost of permit is 665000 Kazakhstani Tenge(KZT)
(approximately 1490 dollars).
This is a fee for registration of all necessary documents.
It includes:
- cost of a visa (residence permit);
- air ticket;
- medical certificate about my health, that I have no diseases;
- medical insurance for the entire period of residence in your country;
- certificate from the executive branch that I have no problems with the laws;
- certificate from the bank that I don't have loans and debts on them;
and many other bureaucratic documents.
Now I don't have full amount of money. I only had 1130 usd.
I paid them that money. But now I need to urgently pay the
remaining 360 usd.
Now you understand that it is very simple. It doesn’t take much time.
Once I saw on TV how one astronaut (Armstrong) said phrase - "One giant leap for mankind".
If you rephrase these words in our relationship - One your small step can connect us!
I hope that this information will help you.
Now I will go home and pray. I hope that God will hear my prayers.
And if he hears, you will surely help me and we will be together...

Today I prepared a little surprise for you. I attached small video.
Do you like porn movies? What do you most like about sex?
What would you like to do with me in bed? Do you often dream of me?
Yesterday I fantasized our meeting for a long time and became very excited.
I started masturbating!
I decided to make video as I masturbate for you! Don't show it to anyone!!!
I am embarrassed... And I don’t want anyone to see this video!!!
I attached this to the letter and decided to send it to you.
I hope you appreciate it.
I often dream how I will come to you and we will have sex.
I will make all your moods in sex. I also want to tell you not to worry.
I will not be a burden for you. You will not have unnecessary problems !!!
You can't tell anyone about me! I can be your secret!
I agree on everything, the main thing is to be close to you.
I can live near you, but we will often meet! And have awesome sex!
I have only one problem - you know that I can't come to you without your help.
I already  have repeated this.
Really, only you can help me to come.
Please help me and send me money - 360 dollars.
I have nothing more to write, I can only hope for your help.
I hope you enjoyed the video.

I feel like a fool. I'm tired of sex games.
I will no longer send videos or naked photos.
I feel stupid. I think that you don't want to help me.
Are you superman or are you only virtual player?
I will be honest with you... I really hoped for you and your help.
Not very nice when your hopes are not fulfilled...
Believe me it is not very nice!
I was too frank with you. Now I regret it. I think you didn't like it!
Today I learned that I had to pay for my documents in the next 5-7 days.
If i don't pay, all my documents will be returned to me and
I will not be able to get a visa.
Therefore, if you don’t send me money, you will destroy all my dreams...
Because I think that real man who wants to see me will do all for this.
I did all for you! You have seen my naked photos and video!
Which I did only for YOU! I see you don’t appreciate it!
It really humiliates me.
Only one conclusion - you only play and don’t want to see me.
This is very disappointing because I so much dreamed about us,
about our first meeting! About our first sex!!!
I imagined how we would be in my favorite pose 69.
I dreamed that with you I would try my first anal sex.
Because I never had it.
I want that all in my life to come true!
And didn't remain only my dream!
Please, help me, if you want this too!
Sometime I feel like whore, because I made a naked photo and video.
But I will not do this anymore. I don't want humiliation.
I made these photos first time! And I did it only for YOU!!!
I hoped that you would help me come to you.
I wanted to come so that all our sexual dreams would come true.
But now I understand that all this is not real!
No matter how many times I prove to you that i am serious,
you are always unhappy.
Because you are just playing with me. Yes? Is it true???
I ask you for the last time - Can you help me? 
You will send me money for documents.
If, yes, after I will do for you what you ask.
But until you send money,
I will not to do anything.
Send money and I believe in your sincerity!
Because TRUE MAN will find a way to get money for his woman!
If not, you don't consider me your woman.
I repeat that I have only 5-7 days to pay for my documents
We have to pay for these days! Or I can never come to you!!!
320 euros or 360 dollars is not a large amount!
Tell me truth, please. Do you feel sorry for money?
Think, may be I am much more expensive!!!
Understand one of the most important thing
I am ready to share with you all your difficulties. 
Not just sex. We will be together and I will help you.
I promise that you will have a delicious food and your home will be clean!
I will be for you the best woman in the world!
And I don't care that we are from different countries or that our age is different.
The main thing that we had a spiritual understanding.
Now, your choice! - Help and send me money or finish our correspondence,
if you really only play with me. Please don't mock me!
Tomorrow I will know for sure...
If you need me, you will go and send me money.
If not, this is only game for you.
I don't want to write anymore...
I want to cry...

My dear xxx,
I understand don't have to help me...
I constantly ask for help and I'm very ashamed...
But I have already told you more than once that I have no one but you...
It is a great happiness to meet a person like you...
The agency is rushing me... They ask me to pay for the documents immediately...
All my thoughts are only about this...this is what I am writing to you about...
I really want to meet you and touch your heart...
I believe that you are a wonderful person and we can have a wonderful relationship...
Believe me, I’m afraid that I won’t have time to pay for the documents and won’t be able to come to you!
I want to tell you a lot about myself and I want to know everything about you.
But now I have to think about how to pay for these documents.
I will send you again my photos and videos that you saw.
When I imagine how you look at them, I see how you smile!!!
These thoughts are driving me crazy!!!!!! I want to see you!!! Very very!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but I’ll remind you again, in case you change your mind and send the money urgently,
then you can do it in these ways:

Bank transfer information:
The bank is located in the city: URALSK
Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX
Bank name: Halyk Bank
KZ08 6010 0020 3008 4567 (IBAN for USD)
KZ78 6010 0020 3008 4568 (IBAN for EURO)
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
Region: Kostanay
District: Zhangeldy
City/Village Torgai,  
Street: Abaya street 3
Zip code: 110600
Don't forget to send a photo or screenshot of the money transfer information.

Via bitcoin:
360 dollars is 0.008 bitcoins.
My bitcoin wallet
- bc1q9vj4kqscpmjq4cvcuj9j677dgnjeyd49f4katt
You can send bitcoins online:
Or use a bitcoin ATM:
I really hope for you...Please help me be close to you!!!!