Der Vorgang 28596

Der erste Kontakt 28596

Anzahl der Mails: 4

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Seeking your thoughts on our latest draft
Good day!
I hope you're having a good day. I wanted to reach out to inform you that I had a great time during our conversation the other day, and I'm looking forward we could continue chatting. I understand that online dating can be intimidating at times, but I think that it's all about connecting with someone.
I have to admit, I'm interested to learn more about you. What kinds of your favorite hobbies? How do you like to spend your leisure time? I think to share interests with someone I'm dating, and I'd be thrilled to see if we have any in common.
I understand that life can get busy, but I'd be happy to hear back from you whenever you get the chance. If you're keen, we could arrange to discuss more and discover where things go from there. If you're not interested, no worries and all the best on your search.
Good evening!
It's my hope this isn't too forward, but I recently reached out expressing my curiosity in learning more about you, yet I didn't receive a response back so far. I comprehend that things can become hectic, so in case you have a moment, I would appreciate you could respond.
I'm truly fascinated in learning more about you. To give you, I've attached a snapshot of myself to this message. I would be interested to know what you think and if you find me attractive.
So, if you're still willing, I'd be delighted to hear back from you and keep up our discussion.
Good morning! I'm wondering if if my e-mail have you properly. Did you considered checking your spam folder? It looks like that the messages I send are not arriving, as I compose letters to you daily, yet get replies from you intermittently. I respectfully request that you browse through your spam mailbox and reply to my newest note, in case you maintain an interest in keeping up our conversation...


Hey! I will attempt to communicate with you again, as you may not recognize me, given that you have received only one letter from me, or perhaps none. Apparently my first try to initiate a conversation between us was not successful since I have not received a response from you. I'm eager in understanding you better and exploring where this connection might go. With any fortune, we can talk and discover more about each other. I look forward to receiving a response from you.